Good for 15 to 30 minutes of quiet. Results vary by child.
Photo Credit: From the iPhone of Megan
Unfortunately, I think this only works if one child is involved. Unless other kids are better at sharing than mine, that is. By the way, I like your mobile format – very professional-looking.
Unfortunately, I think this only works if one child is involved. Unless other kids are better at sharing than mine, that is. By the way, I like your mobile format – very professional-looking.
Just get two Kindle Fires.
Or give one child away…
Or get Grandma to tend the children.
When i was little child, there were neither kindles, nor fires. :) So, quietness was only a dream of my parents. :)
LOL just fill your ipad or ipod with a lot of cool games and that’s it, he’ll be quit all the time… ;)